Not there yet

Today i feel weird. It's strange because i've been ranting about Gloo so much, how awesome it is and blah blah blah. the truth is they are awesome, just i feel different today. i have been feeling different this whole weekend.

*for those reading this and don't know me all that well, i love's as simple as that. He is my passion and drive in this world and its He that makes me want to be greater. 

But to get back to what i was saying, after seeing just a glimpse of how the industry works and the inside of a design business i have realised one thing.

i don't want to do this...

don't get me wrong i love designing and creating things, but i just don't think studying for a few years and then landing in a workplace doing my job day in and day out is for me. no i'm not just lazy and don't want to do anything, i just feel the will to do something greater. i want to do something that makes a difference i want to do what i feel in my heart needs to be done.

i often find myself on the train listening to my music and looking around me, standing in the crowd is when i see those in the crowd, those with a different song in their hearts, those thinking and then giving off a subtle smile, those that have that little inspiration in them thats enough to change them and those around them. i have only these few words on my heart this morning...

I was meant for something greater.

Band Meeting

Things are starting to take shape today. I had to drive in with my car, normally i take the train, but because i had to bring my camera with i couldn't take the gamble of using public transport. After 1h30 of traffic which normally takes round 30 min i finally ended up in town only to be greeted by NO parking space. Sigh now i remember why i didn't want to work in town. But i eventually got a space a couple of blocks away.

Anyways alas i arrived at Gloo. Each day getting less awkward and more comfortable :) I've started learning some names without having to ask for them, you just have to pay attention to these things hehe. It took a while to set up my Mac to have Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign but its settled now and i can start working! At least it's CS3 now!

I finally got my 1st project gloohoo! I have to redesign the layout of their projects board. At the moment its a white marker board with the current projects they are busy with written on it. My job is to structure a workable layout and just plainly make it look pretty! My style reference is Gloo's own styling, which i reckon would be easy to recreate since it is more or less the same styling i use myself! So great success!

I had to take mug shot photo's of each design team member, this will be used to indicate who is working on what project. Made them wear my 3D glasses hahaha ice breaker much? So today it's Friday, turns out today was band meeting! haha who would've thought! i remember reading it somewhere on their website, but didn't really take it seriously. They are planning to perform 2 original songs and one cover. Plus its going to be metal! \m/ !hells yeah! \m/ but let me not tell you all their secrets :)

So yes as the days progress i'm feeling more comfortable, and more and more like a part of the team. Plus everyone is so friendly!

I like it here ^.^

Popcorn day!

So here i am my own little Glooniverse working on a old mac, which is not that bad (it has photoshop 7 lol's). I got introduced to everyone but forgot the names the moment i heard them :D

They showed me around the place and its just plain awesome, everything looks so nice i just want to work here forever! :D Free coffee, air-hockey table and a Wii! its a small little place but with a staff of approximately 25 people i take it.

The day started off with a little meeting where everybody just got everyone up-to-date with what they're doing and how things are going. They've made me a part of a project for spur. It's not even been long and i've already learned new ways digital media is being used. Our little team brainstormed, its really just me and another guy...ironically the only other afrikaans dude i think :)

I just presented him a scamp of how the idea can take shape and they liking it :D yay! success!

*note to have to spark and get noticed! now is your time!

Anyways as it turns out, apparently is wednesday popcorn day! :D yay they've got their own popcorn machine! Great success!

Gloonigan over and out!


For BTech I have to intern at a specific company of my choice this year for 4 weeks. So after a bit of googling and a bit of talking I came across Gloo. Looking at their website...because I judge a company by its website, especially design companies, i started getting amped at the possibility of interning there! :D

But typically in my case things always don't happen at all until last minute! So after emails and phone calls I got through to Gloo and so far things are looking goooood! They really look like a fun place to work at, and they produce quality work from what I could see so far. So now they are consulting with the Art Director and getting me a work station! I'm just awaiting the final details...Whoop-di-dooo! I'm really amped to finally get into the design industry and get my hands dirty with a bit of web design! So to give you an idea of how excited I am, look at this :D ----------------------------------------->

About me

Name: Lourens de Villiers
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Industry: Communications or Media
Occupation: Graphic & Web Designer
Location: Cape Town | South Africa
